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DS-ISMRM Beiträge

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Annual Meeting of the DS-ISMRM / DACH-ISMRM in Tübingen 2024

Thank you to all who attended our annual meeting and to all presenters in Tübingen! We did not expect that so many of you would be able to join. The local organizing team Dario Bosch, Dana Ramadan, Felix Glang, and Sebastian Müller did an amazing job running the meeting without delay, with amazing food, a great atmosphere, and musical entertainment.

Gorter Awards
Also, congratulations to all Gorter finalists for their remarkable presentations! The finalists were: Jonathan Endres, Vanessa Franke, Martin Grashei, Tor Rasmus Memhave, and Niklas Wallstein.

Of course, the three winners of the Gorter deserve special mentioning:

  1. Niklas Wallstein
  2. Martin Grashei
  3. Tor Rasmus Memhave

We are grateful to our Gorter Jury for making this tough decision. All Gorter finalists were great! We would not have been able to select ourselves. The jury members were: Prof. Jürgen Hennig, Prof. Laura Schreiber, Dr. Lars Hanson, and Dr. Natalia Petridou.

Best Presentations and Posters
This year, we had three best presentations and three best poster prizes. The six winners were selected by the audience and it was a great turnout. The proud winners were:

Best Presentations:
Teresa Reichl, Enrica Wilken, and Jonathan Stelter

Best Posters:
Caroline Scheufler, Fatima Anum, and Jonathan Endres


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Extended deadline for Annual Meeting & Gorter prize 2024

Our annual meeting will take place on September 4th & 5th in Tübingen. Abstracts can be submitted via the conference homepage, the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to June 26th.

The final round for this year’s Gorter prize will also take place during the annual meeting. Applications with an excellent thesis or original first-author publication in the field of biomedical magnetic resonance are possible up to two years after the PhD/MD title has been awarded (for more information, see here).

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DRG meets DS-ISMRM @RÖKO2024 – Flow MRI for the Diagnosis of Vascular Diseases

on May 16th, 2024

This year’s RÖKO digital will again feature a session jointly organized by the DS-ISMRM and the German Radiological Society. The session will take place online via Zoom on May 16th from 17:45 to 19:15. The presentations will be in German.

17:45-18:15: Phasenkontrast-MRT für kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen (Sebastian Schmitter (Berlin) / Jeanette Schulz-Menger (Berlin))

18:15-18:45: 4D Fluss und Black Blood MRT in cerebralen Aneurysmen (Mariya Pravdivtseva (Kiel) / Naomi Larsen (Kiel))

18:45-19:15: Diskussion

The event is free of charge and can be attended without prior registration using the following link:


We are looking forward to your active participation!

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Joint Evening Get-Together during the ISMRM Meeting 2024

on May 5th, 2024

The Erwin L. Hahn Institute, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the German Chapter of the ISMRM (DS-ISMRM) will host a joint evening get-together during the ISMRM Annual Meeting in Singapore.

The German Evening will take place on Sunday (May 5th, 2024) after the opening reception at 8:00 pm at the Paulaner Brewery Singapore.

If you are interested in attending this event, please register here.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Singapore!

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Successful Annual Meeting in Berlin!

We had a very successful Meeting at the PTB in Berlin with over 140 attendees, excellent scientific contributions as well as inspiring plenary lectures!

Congratulations to our 4 Gorter Awardees:
1st Prize: Maximilian Gram from Würzburg with his work entitled „New methods of spin-lock based field imaging: towards direct detection and quantification of biomagnetic oscillations in the nT range“
2nd Prize: Philip Boyd from Heidelberg with his work entitled „Mapping intracellular pH of tumors in vivo using CEST-MRI: methodological development and preclinical investigation“
3rd Prizes: Natalie Schön from Berlin with her work entitled „The safety relevance of respiration-induced EM field variations in cardiac imaging at 7T and 10.5T“ and Jannis Hanspach from Erlangen with his work entitled „Deep learning–based quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in the presence of fat using synthetically generated multi-echo phase training data“

Thank you to everyone who contributed and see you next year in Tübingen!

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Jahrestagung & Gorter-Preis 2023

Unsere diesjährige Jahrestagung wird am 6.&7. September 2023 an der PTB in Berlin stattfinden (https://www.ds-ismrm2023.ptb.de/). Also: Save the date! Zur (nachträglichen) Feier des 25. Geburtstag der DS-ISMRM und der 25. Jahrestagung hat sich das Team um Sebastian einige Highlights ausgedacht.

Im Rahmen der Tagung wird auch der diesjährige Gorter-Preis verliehen. Bewerben können sich Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler egal aus welcher Disziplin inklusive der Medizin. Bewerbt Euch mit einer Originalarbeit (Abschlussarbeit/Paper), die im letzten Jahr an einer Forschungseinrichtung in Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz entstanden ist. Alle weiteren Informationen, sowie die Einreichung von Abstracts und Bewerbungen für den diesjährigen Gorter-Preis findet ihr auf der Konferenzhomepage: https://www.ds-ismrm2023.ptb.de/. Deadline für Abstracts & Gorter-Bewerbungen ist der 22.6.2023 29.06.2023.

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DS-ISMRM Jahrestagung 2023 in Berlin!

Wir freuen uns euch zur diesjährigen Jubiläumstagung (25 Jahre!) am 6-7 September an der PTB in Berlin einzuladen!
Die Abstract Deadline ist der 22. Juni (für Abstract und Gorter Award Einreichungen).
Mehr Details zu Programm und Einreichung folgen in Kürze hier auf unserer Webseite!

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Gorter Preisträger 2022

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere diesjährigen Gorter-Preisträger!

Der erste Platz ging an:
– Christof Böhm (München) mit seiner Arbeit: Preconditioned water—fat total field inversion: Application to spine quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM)
Der zweite Platz ging an:
– Elisabeth Preuhs (Erlangen) mit ihrer Arbeit: Acquisition and Reconstruction Methods for Multidimensional
and Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Der dritte Platz ging an:
– Felix Glang (Tübungen) mit seiner Arbeit: Accelerated MRI at 9.4 T with electronically modulated timevarying
receive sensitivities

(Fotos by Susanne Schnell)

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