Types of Memberships:
1. Full member: Members who are also members of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (also student members).
2. Associated member: Members who are not members of ISMRM.
3. Trainee members: Students and postdocs who have obtained their doctoral degree no more than three years ago.
On this page, you can apply for membership in the DACH-ISMRM. The ISMRM membership must be applied for at the parent company.
Until 31.08.2024, the annual fee amounts to 15 Euros; for (student) members in training, the fee is reduced to 7 Euros per year.
From 01.09.2024, the membership fee is increased according to the decision of the General Assembly in September 2023. The new annual fee will then be 20 Euros and the reduced fee for (student) members in training will then be 9 Euros per year.
New Application
Anyone who works in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI, NMR,…) can become a member of the DACH Section of ISMRM e.V. To do this, upload the completed and signed
membership application (or send it to secretary@ismrm-ds.org):
Further explanations of membership status:
If you are also a member of the international parent company
“International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Inc. (Berkeley, USA)“, you will be listed as a „full member“ in the German section, otherwise as an „associate member“. Membership in the parent company ISMRM is therefore not a prerequisite for admission to the DACH section. However, non-members of the ISMRM are not entitled to vote as associate members of the DACH section, and they are not allowed to hold offices.
In addition, (ordinary or associated) members can be listed as „members in training“ if the date of their doctorate was not more than three years ago. A reduced annual fee applies to members in training (until 31.08.2024 it is 7 Euros per year, from 01.09.2024 it is 9 Euros per year). In this case, please indicate the expected date of the doctorate in the membership application.
We would also like to take this opportunity to point out the cheap student membership at ISMRM: For only 50 US $ per year you can be a member!
Requests for further information should be sent by email to secretary(a)ismrm-ds.org.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Please remember to inform us if your data (e.g., e-mail address, membership status, …) changes and use the following form: